Empowering justice-involved women to break cycles while promoting health equity and strengthening our community.
Oklahoma has become the nation's capital for incarcerated women at a rate of over 50% incarceration for non-violent drug offenses; these truths have and continue to drive the mission and vision of JTB. Justice-involved women and those seeking diversion, encounter immense opposition in their attempt to live productively in the community. Just The Beginning strives to achieve holistic restoration in each participants life, along with their sphere of influence, while intentionally initiating, cultivating, and catalyzing change, growth, and success.
To change lives and community, ultimately changing the world!
Empowerment and advocacy are embedded in the organization's foundation. Empowerment equips women to envision and have confidence in achievements beyond difficulty. JTB serves justice-involved women as an advocate to overall success and self-envisioned goals, with certainty that encouragement and support positively influence each participant, their family and the community at large.